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Cassandra Lau


Cassandra Lau

Art as therapy, every paint, brushstroke, mark-making, released my stress and struggle.

Art as therapy, every paint, brushstroke, mark-making, released my stress and struggle.

Cassandra Lau - AAF Singapore 2023

This series of paintings is a kind of mindfulness meditation for me. Art as therapy, every paint, brushstroke, mark-making, released my stress and struggle. The paints and marks are representing my expression of living in this small and dynamic city. I always feel struggling, crumpling, squeezing and compressing. Hence, I construct the landscape for healing my soul and inner self with a spaceless, calm, silent landscape through the paint and my action. And may reduce your anxiety in our noisy, chaos, ridiculous life.

I understand and remind myself the simplicity, purity of life and the minimalistic concept through focusing on the texture of mountain/ cliff/ rock and the painting process. The uneven, jagged texture is the marks of age. Nobody’s perfect, but we all have value. Keep learning to embrace our imperfection and accept the real us from the concept of Japanese *Wabi- Sabi culture. There is another perspective in aesthetics under the philosophy of Wabi-Sabi.

Por Lo Shan (Leung Tin Au Valley) 

28x36 cm, Oil on wood

Shui Hau

41x27 cm, Oil on wood

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