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《A Magical Journey of the Inner Child》
《A Magical Journey of the Inner Child》

Fri, 26 Jan


PMQ S407

《A Magical Journey of the Inner Child》

A solo exhibition on mixed media by Sindy Yeung

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Time & Location

26 Jan 2024, 12:00 pm – 04 Feb 2024, 7:00 pm

PMQ S407, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event


是次展出的作品來自兩個系列:”My Wonderland” 及 “Leaving the Wonderland”,以Sindy內心小孩的視角出發,呈現她的幻想世界及生命態度。

“My Wonderland” 裡沒有珍禽異獸或神仙魔怪,但滿眼是森林、荒野、海洋、星空等,反映Sindy對大自然及自由的嚮往。Wonderland中的小女孩活潑真誠,懷著好奇心展開探險旅途,但面對未知的將來、前路的不確定性、世俗的批判眼光,及周遭環境巨變,她常感到孤單、迷惘、惶恐及不安。縱然如此,她總手握希望之花,心存信念,堅持向前。而”Leaving the Wonderland”系列,則紀錄了小女孩成長的心路歷程。無論夢幻國度多美好,現實世界多紛亂,人總要踏入其中,親身經歴,才能真正成熟,並找到自己真實的樂園。


This is about the imaginary world of an inner child, and also the growth journey of an adult.

This exhibition presents “My Wonderland” and “Leaving the Wonderland” series, which portrays Sindy’s imaginary world from the perspective of her inner child, and shares her life attitude .

There is no monster or fairy in “My Wonderland”, but forest, wilderness, ocean and starry sky, reflecting Sindy’s yearning for freedom and the Nature. The little girl embarks on her adventure with excitement and curiosity, but facing the unknowns of the future, worldly criticism and drastic changes of the surroundings, she often feels lonely, lost, scared and unsecured. Even so, she always holds the flower of hope and her faith, and keeps moving forward. The "Leaving the Wonderland" series is a record of the girl's growth journey. The imaginary world is perfect and the real world is full of defects. Nonetheless, we have to enter the latter and experience it first-hand. Then we grow and find our true wonderland.

Everyone has a inner child inside, who bears our childhood memories, experiences and emotions, and affects our current behaviours and life decisions. Through this exhibition, Sindy shares with you the secret wonderland of her inner child, and invites you to visit yours and explore your magical journey with it.

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