Fri, 02 Dec
|S407 (Staunton) PMQ
《我們一起發亮》 Remember Turn on the Light
An exhibition on painting by Wing Lo and Clayton Wing Lo & Clayton藝術展覽
Time & Location
02 Dec 2022, 12:00 pm – 02 Jan 2023, 7:00 pm
S407 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong
About the event
關於展覽 / About Exhibition :
每個人心中都有其夢想中的世界,所到之處一片光明,若能時刻保持愉快的心境,眼中呈現的世界也定會有所不同;享受生活,體驗人生中的甜酸苦辣,活出不一樣的意義。 Wing Lo 和 Clayton 是次展出的作品圍繞快樂為主題,以明亮繽紛的色彩刻劃出一個美好世界,為我們熟悉的城市 —— 香港添上一筆濃厚的色彩,並注入生命力,除了帶給人們豐富的視覺效果,亦能傳遞正面的生活態度,使人樂觀地度過每一天。希望畫作能夠提醒人們嘗試打開自己心中的明燈,伴隨着光明照亮前進的道路,找尋正確的方向。
Everyone has dreamed an ideal world in their mind, and wherever they go is bright. If people can maintain happiness at any time, what they see in the world will definitely be different. Enjoy your life, and experience the sweets and bitters of life, you can live with different meanings. We exhibite the artworks of Wing Lo and Clayton with regard to the theme of happiness. They depict a beautiful world with a strong color combination, adding a fully saturated color to our familiar city - Hong Kong for injecting vitality. The visual effect can also convey a positive attitude towards life and spend it optimistically. It is hoped that the artworks can remind people trying to turn on the light, illuminate the path with the light and find the right direction in the future.
關於藝術家 / About the Artist :
lolohoihoi 的故事內容及人物是Wing Lo與Clayton Chau於2017年共同創作至今。 Wing Lo - 榮藝術工作室創辦人之一及日本插畫師協會會員。香港藝術家及資深平面設計師,從事設計行業多年和藝術創作,曾參與電影工作、電視廣告、舞台制作等。除了與Clayton Chau共同創作lolohoihoi 故事、畫作和各類小手作產品外。她亦以個人獨立風格創作Itchyhands 系列,風格獨特的藝術品牌。 Clayton Chau - 榮藝術工作室創辦人之一、藝術家、品牌創作人。全職插畫師並曾從事設計及藝術工作多年,曾參與電影和電視廣告佈景工作、舞台制作及各種商場裝飾設計和制作等。我們從事設計及制作多年,一直以來也接觸不同領域的藝術及設計工作。在長時間藝術及設計工作的歲月及人生歷練,都不斷思考生活和生命的意義,感受到家庭及朋友間和快樂生命的重要。近年值著原創人物-路路和海海,希望值著其故事及人物個性,帶出生活的快樂、快樂可以很簡單,也希望所創作的故事可以幫助有需要的人,令設計及藝術更有意義。修善自己,能懂得分享自己也感到快樂。
The content and characters of lolohoihoi's story were co-created by Wing Lo and Clayton Chau since 2017. Miss Wing Lo is a Native Hong Kong creator, Co-founder of Wing Art Workshop. An experienced graphic designer and artist. Working in graphic design for many years. She has also worked in film making, TV advertisement and theatre arts, etc. Further more she is co-creator with Clayton Chau the story, drawing and any kind of hand-craft regarding Lolohoihoi. Meanwhile, she also creates her own indie style of creative work ITCHYHAND. Clayton - Co-founder of Wing Art Workshop. Mr Clayton Chau is now a full time artist/ book writer /brand designer/ creator and has been work in design and art industry for many years. He has participated in film and TV setting, theatre production and shopping mall decoration. He is co-operating with Wing Lo to create the story, illustration and other creative work for Lolohoihoi.
Photo Gallery